QFilter support design IIR and FIR filter, and design of the filter can be used to collect data filtering and presentation of the theoretical simulation model;
IIR filter which support the "Butterworth", "Chebyshev I "," Chebyshev II ","oval "type of filter design;
FIR filter supports frequency sample method, and Rectangle, bartlett, triangular, cosine, hanning, bartlett_hanning, hamming, blackman, blackman_Harris, tukey, Nuttall, FlatTop, Bohman, Parzen, Lanczos, kaiser, gauss and dolph_chebyshev window function method;
Design results support to save the image;
The design of H (z) pole-zero coefficients support save as txt file, for other design system;
The design parameters are saved into a fdd format, easy to open and for subsequent waveform processing and simulation.
Go to download:Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
After the download is complete, in the installation directory run QFilter.exe to start.